John Beach

Church/Ministry Name : OneSong Church

Location: Bowling Green, KY

Phone: 270-991-6256


Ministry Description/Vision: OneSong Church desires to be a harbor of hope and healing for all people.

Spouse: Vicki Beach

Family Information:
Vicki and I met while attending Western Kentucky University. About a year after graduation we became reaquainted with each other and began dating. We were married on December 12th, 1987. We attended First Baptist Church in Bowling Green and raised our two children in Christ there. I later answered the call to ministry in 2002 and began full-time Christian ministry as the Youth and College Pastor, later transitioning to Adult Discipleship and Mission before leaving FBC in May 2021. We have a daughter named Kelsey who lives in Colorado, and we have a son named Duncan who lives in Bowling Green. They have been a gift and a blessing to Vicki and me. We have raised them with kind and gentle hearts that love Jesus.

Worship Information

Primary Language: English

Worship Attendance: 44

Total Membership: 58

Worship Location:
1333 Magnolia St., Bowling Green, KY 42104

Worship Times:
Sundays, 10:00 AM

Website/Social Media:

Ministry & Prayer Update

Please pray that we will have success in reaching our community as we launch our VBS. Pray that God will provide wisdom as I continue to preach about evangelism and for His Word and call to land on the hearts of our people. I am praying that we stay active in reaching out and seeking the lost and not become complacent.

See Full Planter List