Richard Vilca Perez

Church/Ministry Name : Iglesia Bautista Hispana Salvos Por Gracia

Location: Somerset, KY

Phone: 2705070182


Ministry Description/Vision: Our desire as Church is to be a church filled with people who love God and love others, who seek to grow in Christ through community, and who seek to serve the world, beginning in Pulaski County and stretching to the ends of the earth. Our vision as a Hispanic Church is to reach the entire Hispanic community in Somerset, and Polaski County, for which we are working hard to train our future and potential leaders so that in a short time they can exercise leadership and start bible studies in different homes and places around the city of Somerset with the focus of winning over all Hispanics. Since our vision is linked to the words of the Lord Jesus expressed in the gospel of Matthew 28:19, Therefore, go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Spouse: Patricia Medina

Family Information:
My wife Patricia and I have been married for 16 years, we have 2 children, Gabriel who is 14 years old and Luis who is 10 years old. As a family we enjoy spending time together and we enjoy going to church and serving the lord Jesus, together. Patricia loves baking and cooking, she loves plants and planting them. Gabriel loves soccer and watching soccer matches on TV. Luis loves playing video games and burgers. We are originally from Lima, Peru and loves to live in Kentucky State.

Worship Information

Primary Language: Spanish

Worship Attendance: 24

Total Membership: 30

Worship Location:
102 Bourne Avenue, Somerset, KY 42501

Worship Times:
Domingos 11 am - 12:30 pm

Website/Social Media: FB@iglesiabautistasalvossomerset

Ministry & Prayer Update

- Pray for God to raise up leaders in our congregation, my vision is big, I know that God will send more people to our church, and we will need leaders who can serve in different areas of the ministry. -Pray that God allows me to have some time off and spend time with my entire family. Pastoral ministry is really very exhausting. - Strength to continue serving faithfully and have more patience with those who become discouraged quickly.

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